Showing posts with label reconciliation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reconciliation. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2017

The other half of John 3:16

For God so loved
and prized all
of His creation,
He gave
His Only God-Son
that whosoever believes

in Him

will not pass away
and be gone forever
but will have eternal life

in Him.

For God did not send
His Son to us
to accuse and condemn us,
but that we
and the whole world
might be saved
through Him –

Jesus Christ
The Way.

John 3:16-17 as prayer-a-phrased by Mary Sayler, ©2017, in the blessed company of many translations found on Bible Gateway

Monday, November 2, 2015

Christ’s love does not let us down

Romans 5:5-11

Our hope in Christ Jesus
does not disappoint us
or put us to shame
because the Holy Spirit
pours into us
the love of God!

For when we were weak and helpless
and unable to save ourselves,
Christ died for all of us – sinners all –
at just the right time.

Think of it! Few of us would be willing
to die for someone else, though, perhaps,
we might for family or friend.

But the Lord proved His amazing love for us
that, while we were way far away from God,

Christ died for us:

justifying us by His blood,
saving us from end-time wrath,
reconciling us to God by His death.

Oh, how much more
will our lives be saved by His life!

Praise God!

Through Jesus Christ our Lord
our fellowship with God, ourselves,
and one another is restored!

© 2015, Mary Sayler prayer-a-phrased today’s reading in Romans 5:5-11 from several of the many translations found on Bible Gateway

What the Bible Says About Love - the book

God IS love. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals the timeless, unchanging, ever-present love of God the Father, Son, and Holy S...