Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Our common union in the Trinity

May the grace
of the Lord Jesus,

the love
of God our Heavenly Father,

and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit

be in communion with us all.

Mary Harwell Sayler, © 2017, prayer-a-phrased 2 Corinthians 13:14 after reading several translations of the verse provided by Bible Gateway.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Living in the love of Christ

Jesus said:

If you believe My words
and follow my instructions,
you will be with Me
in My kind of love!

I’m only asking you to do
what I have done
by keeping God’s Word
and staying centered
in My Father’s love.

Mary Sayler, ©2017, prayer-a-phrased John 15:10 after reading and praying about the verse from many of the translations on Bible Gateway.

Friday, May 26, 2017

The other half of John 3:16

For God so loved
and prized all
of His creation,
He gave
His Only God-Son
that whosoever believes

in Him

will not pass away
and be gone forever
but will have eternal life

in Him.

For God did not send
His Son to us
to accuse and condemn us,
but that we
and the whole world
might be saved
through Him –

Jesus Christ
The Way.

John 3:16-17 as prayer-a-phrased by Mary Sayler, ©2017, in the blessed company of many translations found on Bible Gateway

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Jesus: The Love Offering

Here’s what real love really is –
no, not our love for God.

Real love is God
in love with us.

God the Father sent
His Son to die in our place –

to take away our sins,
our mistakes, our

to become
the one truly needed
sacrifice –

for God to forgive us –
wholly –
making amends.

Mary Sayler, © 2017, prayer-a-phrased today’s reading in 1 John 4:10 using various translations found on Bible Gateway.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

First Commandment: Love

Mark 12:28-31

Hearing an argument,
one of the scribes
came forward to ask,
“Then which is the first
of all commandments?”

Jesus replied,
“The first is this:
Hear, O Israel!
The LORD our God
is the only LORD,
and you shall love
the LORD your God

with all of your heart,
with all of your soul,
with all of your mind,
with all of your strength,

and the second command is this:

you shall love your neighbor
as yourself. No other
commandments are greater
than these.”

©2015, Mary Harwell Sayler prayer-a-phrased today’s reading in the Gospel of Mark by referring to several of the many translations provided by Bible Gateway.

Monday, October 20, 2014

God’s love holds us in a heavenly realm

How great is God’s love for us!

Because of the richness
of His mercy,
we are no longer dead
but are alive together
in the grace of Christ
by Whom we have
been saved.

With Christ,
God lifts us up
and sets us in
a heavenly realm
where we will be able to see
the mind-boggling abundance
of grace given to us
through Christ Jesus.

By the grace of God,
we have been saved –
not by ourselves,
not by our works,
and not by anything
we can boast about,
but by the Gift of God,
given to us.

For we are God’s creation –
recreated and born anew –
in Christ Jesus
to walk in His goodness
and do all we have been
prepared and given to do.

Ephesians 2:4-10

©2014, Mary Sayler prayer-a-phrased the above poem from the many translations of Ephesians 2:4-10 found on Bible Gateway.

What the Bible Says About Love - the book

God IS love. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals the timeless, unchanging, ever-present love of God the Father, Son, and Holy S...