Showing posts with label Bible poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible poem. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

God Is Love

1 John 4:11-18

Beloved, God loves us so much,
we must love one another too.

No, we haven’t seen God,
and yet, by loving one another,
God lives in us!
And God’s love perfects ours.

How do we know we’re in God,
and God is in us?
We have His Spirit.

Furthermore, we have seen

(through God’s Word) how
the Father sent His Son
to save us and the world.

If we acknowledge Jesus
as the Son of God,
we can be sure God lives in us
and we in Him. And we can know
and believe in the power of love
God gives.

For God Is Love!

So as we remain in love,
God remains in us
and brings our love
to perfection.

Then we can know for sure
not to worry about judgment day
because we’re living as God wants.

Oh, Beloved, in love
there is nothing to fear!

God’s perfect love
frees us
from any fears we have
of being punished,
tormented, or even
harshly rebuked.

So if you’re still afraid,
pray to experience
ever more fully
the pure, pure love
of God.

© 2016, Mary Sayler prayer-a-phrased today’s reading in 1 John 4 with the help of several of the many translations found on Bible Gateway.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How faith in Christ leads us to love

Because of our faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ,
we have been made right with God!

With God, we have peace.

Because of our faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ,
we have access
to the Grace of God,
and we rejoice in the hope
of God’s Glory.

We can even rejoice
in our troubles,
knowing that trials help us
to endure,
and endurance develops
our character,
and character strengthens
our hope,
and hope will not lead
to disappointment

because the Love of God
pours into our hearts,
through the Holy Spirit,
Who has been given to us
and keeps filling us
with God’s Love.

©2014, Mary Sayler prayer-a-phrased Romans 5:1-5 from the poetic words found in many translations on Bible Gateway.

What the Bible Says About Love - the book

God IS love. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals the timeless, unchanging, ever-present love of God the Father, Son, and Holy S...