Showing posts with label believing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believing. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Believing and Praying in the Love of the Risen Christ

If we condense the whole Gospel into a single Bible verse, we’d probably pick the one previously posted and the one Christians most often quote: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life," John 3:16.

We especially think of this holy love during Holy Week as we recall the Resurrection on the first Easter when Jesus Christ overcame death and led The Way to eternal life – life that lasts forever.

We want that life! We want that promise to believers in John 3:16, but, as the next verse goes on to say: “God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that, through Him, the world might be saved," John 3:17.

Wow! As soon as we hear the promise of eternal salvation and everlasting life in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, we learn that, through Him, the whole world can be saved.

What does this mean to us as Christians?

If we take our faith one verse further, does this mean, for instance, that we might see results from our prayers for pure air, pure water, unpolluted food, and an earth free of baths in blood?

Could such prayers heal the ozone?

Could such prayers bring our families back to God and Christians back to the Bible and to the church?

Could our prayers – prayed in the love of God and the power of the Risen Christ – heal hearts deprived of God, not only in our neighborhoods, but around the world?

Prayer: Heavenly Father and Creator of the world and of time, space, and eternity, help us to believe! Help us to stay awake and aware of Your Love and the restorative, redemptive power of the Risen Christ to permeate every cell, every fiber, every particle of every person, place, and living thing. Thank You, Lord, for Your breathtaking love! Breathe on us in Your Holy Spirit and give us Your prayers to pray for our homes, environment, and the whole world in Jesus’ Name.


©2012, Mary Sayler. Thank you for telling others about this site when giving them these words and prayers. Thanks, too, for following other Bible topics listed on Blogs by Mary. May God bless you and give you each day your daily prayers.


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